Tuesday 9 February 2010

Lets Get Reading

WOW.... What a wonderful session we all had!

All the parents arrived and greeted each other with a hug and smiles. It was wonderful to see them all chatting and making each other cups of tea/coffee. The atmosphere was relaxing and friendly with laughter spread around the room.

Miss Man kicked started the session by getting the parents singing phonic songs. The rest of the session was all about reading with their children.

The parents worked together to read a variety of dual language books. Some parents read in their home language to the rest of the group whilst Linda read the story in English.

Some parents worked together as a group to discuss the pictures and text. They shared good ideas with each other and had a good discussion about how their child responded.

A big thank you to Lorraine Beacon (PSA from Oak Dale Junior School) and Barbara Wright (Senior Education Officer Children's Services) who also attended this session and worked with a group of parents.

All the parents were engaged and enjoyed working together.

The parents worked very hard to undergo all the activities Miss Man set them and fully accomplished all objectives set for that session.


Tuesday 2 February 2010

Reading with Children

Reading is an important part of children’s learning. It is a skill that children need in all areas of the curriculum.

Research demonstrates that if parents read with their children, children’s reading standards can improve. Regular times at home to read with your child, and using strategies that are consistent with school, will significantly support your child’s reading.

Reading with children is the main focus for today and next weeks ESOL sessions. Miss Man talked and discussed with the parents the importance of reading and gave them lots of strategies they could use at home to help their child read.

The parents worked very hard and helped each other to read a variety of dual language text and English stories. Those that had limited English were supported by those more confident.

A big thank you to one of my parents for bringing in a Chinese New Year cake for all us to sample. It was absolutely delicious and everyone fully enjoyed eating it.